Panama: (+507) 232-5718 | Colon: (+507) 6758-1357 | Curundu: (+507) 830-5031 / 5436

Last Saturday, January 28, 2018, BLESS GROUP held its first Koinonia, a special event designed to recognize and thank its human team for their dedication and effort throughout the previous year. The event was an opportunity for all company employees to come together and celebrate together.

During the Koinonia, special recognitions were given to outstanding employees in different areas of the company, including sales, customer service, finance, production, among others. These recognitions were a way of highlighting the outstanding performance and dedication of employees, as well as motivating them to keep working hard in the future.

In addition to the recognitions, the event also offered an atmosphere of relaxation and enjoyment, with delicious food and drinks for all attendees. The Koinonia was an opportunity for employees to relax, socialize and celebrate the achievements of the previous year together.

At BLESS GROUP, the company values ​​and recognizes the fundamental role that its human team plays in the success of the company. The Koinonia was a way of thanking the collaborators for their dedication and commitment throughout the year and of wishing them success in the future.

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